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sc- nominal past act

Nominalization is a process of making a verb into a noun. In Salish, nominalization can be done with a prefix or a suffix. In English, this is done by adding an ending to the verb or changing the verb into a noun form. For example, the verb “create” can be nominalized to “creation.”

Prefix sc- is comprised of nominal prefix s-, nominal and locative prefix c-, cis-locative. Locative prefixes reference both time and space as with all concepts in Salish. In this case prefix, c-, refers to the subject’s perspective in time. Something that was done prior in time to the point of reference. For instance if one is doing work, esk̓ʷul̕i, and then finishes that work it can be referred to as sck̓ʷul̕, the work that has been done/performed.

Prefix sc- changes a verb to a nominal form.


When a word starts with s-

The letter n is dropped before s.

The letter ɬ is dropped before s

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