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sn- nominal inside, place

Nominalization is a process of making a verb into a noun. In Salish, nominalization can be done with a prefix or a suffix. In English, this is done by adding an ending to the verb or changing the verb into a noun form. For example, the verb “create” can be nominalized to “creation.”

Prefix sn- is comprised of nominal prefix s-, nominal and locative prefix n-, inside. Locative prefixes reference both time and space as with all concepts in Salish. Prefix, n-, references a position within a space or within an event/period of time. As a spatial reference this prefix refers to a containment, a place, a location inside. As an example, č̓exʷ, that drying, nominalizes as, snč̓exʷmn, dryer, a place to dry. As a time reference this prefix refers to a point within a bound period of time, that is a time period with a defined beginning and end. For instance, if one is doing inside work, esk̓ʷul̕i, and this nominalizes as, snk̓ʷul̕, the inside work.

Prefix sn- changes a verb to a nominal form.


When a word starts with s-

The letter n is dropped before s.

The letter ɬ is dropped before s

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